7 Tips to extend inverter battery life 

Thanks to inverters, now we no longer have to deal with annoying power cuts any more. During power outages, they offer reliable backup to deliver our home with constant brightness. To extend the life of an inverter, it is also important to take care of the inverter battery as well. In this blog, we are going to understand a few tips that will help to maintain the health of an inverter battery.

Tips to extend inverter battery life 

1.Install the batteries in an open and airy area:

Always install the inverter batteries in a well ventilated area as the batteries emit harmful gases owing to the chemical reactions inside them. By installing them in open places, these gases can be dissipated safely.

2.Regular inspection:

Keep a routine check on your inverter batteries. Look out for any damage, crack or leakage in them. If you notice any such thing, then stop their usage immediately and replace them. Take them to an authorized battery mechanic for any further suggestions.

3.Keep safe from heat and water 

Don’t let direct sunlight and raindrops fall directly on the batteries. This can damage them and cause hazards. Hence it is essential to protect them properly by not exposing them to heat and moisture. 

4.Avoid overloading:

Don’t overload the batteries beyond its recommended capacity. Every battery can handle a certain amount of load as per mentioned on the batteries. Going beyond that limit will hamper the performance of the battery leading to a shorter life.

5.Go for a reputable inverter battery manufacturer 

Choose your inverter batteries from a good and renowned inverter battery manufacturer. They offer good quality batteries that last long and come with warranties. Choosing a right inverter battery goes a long way saving your money and time.

6.Clean batteries regularly:

Keep the batteries clean by using dry cloth to remove the dirt, and debris from its surface. Also keep the terminals clean to ensure seamless flow of current. Following these steps can help to enhance your inverter battery’s life.

7.Keep away from children and pets 

Choose  a location that is inaccessible to children and pets to ensure their safety by keeping them away from the inverter battery.


These tips help you to enhance the life of your inverter battery. By taking proper care of the battery, its smooth functioning, and high performance is ensured. With these guidelines in mind, you can optimize the performance of your battery thus keeping yourself safe from unexpected power outages.

Lenx is a reliable inverter battery manufacturer offering long lasting inverter batteries with superior quality and power delivery. Contact us and choose for your home uninterrupted brightness.